The most recommended band in Ireland
PERFECT DAY, the best Wedding Band Ireland has to offer, with the country’s top male/female vocal duo guarantee a high energy mix of music that will keep your dance floor full all night long. Our playlist includes the most popular contemporary songs from the charts, as well as the timeless classics of the last few decades. We don’t just sing, we interact with the audience and create an incredible atmosphere at every Wedding. Click HERE for our playlist. PERFECT DAY, top Irish Wedding Band , really are experts in providing all your musical requirements for your wedding day. We provide Ceremony Music also and pre dinner drinks reception music, as well as a fantastic after band DJ. We really have it all covered.
We run a monthly showcase, as well as performing at weddings all over Ireland every weekend, so do come along and see us live. Next one is on Mon 21st March in the bar of the Red Cow Inn from 9.30-10.15. We will be able to have a chat to discuss your requirements and you will get to see a fantastic band in action.

The Wedding Band that will make your Wedding day Perfect.
Listen To Us On Soundcloud
Call or mail us today on 087 2464136 or